To The Compromising -
Revelation 2.12-17

"Sermon Snapshots" are brief, impactful summaries of recent messages shared at Living Hope Church. Designed to provide a quick yet meaningful reflection on key themes, these snapshots help you revisit the powerful truths from each sermon. Whether you missed the service or want to dive deeper into the message, these summaries offer an opportunity to reflect on and apply biblical insights to your daily walk.

Here is the snapshot from "To The Compromising -
Revelation 2.12-17" on October 13, 2024.

The New Testament frequently warns us of two threats against the church. We are often attentive to the external threat of persecution, opposition, and violence. But we often miss the second, the internal threat—the greatest danger against the church is not persecution or violence but compromise, false teaching, and sin within the church. This is the problem that the Pergamum church just didn’t see coming.

Pergamum was a strongly pagan city. It was the centre of the imperial cult and the political capital of that Roman province. Jesus addressed them as the one who holds the sharp two-edged sword, representing the power of His word - He stands as judge.

Jesus says, “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.” Pergamum was deep in enemy territory, yet they held fast to Jesus’ name and they did not deny Him, even when Antipas was martyred for his faith. Jesus called him a "faithful witness," just as Jesus himself is identified as a “faithful witness” in Revelation 1.

Some in the church, however, held to the teaching of Balaam, leading to compromise through idolatry and immorality. This teaching encouraged believers to participate in pagan feasts and sexual immorality, much like how Balaam’s seduction of Israel into sin happened in Numbers 22-25.

Then Jesus calls the entire church to repent—some for their compromise while others need to repent for tolerating it. If they do not repent, He will come against them with the sword of His mouth, representing His word of judgment.

For those who conquer, Jesus promises the hidden manna, symbolizing His provision, and a white stone with a new name, symbolizing acceptance, justification, and belonging to Christ. The name represents a new identity in Jesus.

Satan’s first attempt against the church in Pergamum was a frontal attack through violence, but it failed. The subtle and dangerous lure of compromise was the second and real threat. Jesus calls the church to hold fast, resist compromise, and find satisfaction in Him alone.

He’s calling you to be a “faithful witness”. To hold fast. To grab hold of Jesus, put him first, and never let go.
  • To trust him completely with everything.
  • To look to him for spiritual nourishment, for justification and identity, and for your hope and future.
  • He wants to be our everything.
  • We need to open our hands up, let go of the idols we cling to, and grab hold of Christ alone.
  • He is the only one that can satisfy us.

To listen to the audio and video Sermon Snapshot click here.
For full messages click here.